In Black Russian, the twentieth electrifying installment of the Black Love Detective series, Detective Black Love races to save Imilce “The Russian” Barca, a wounded and enigmatic woman claiming descent from General Hannibal Barca. As Black delivers her to Deborah Kiss, a skilled medical examiner and his former lover, questions mount: who is Imilce, and why does someone want her dead?
Imilce’s only demand—“no police”—sets the tone for a dangerous game of survival. When assassins breach their sanctuary, Black uncovers her shocking identity: a foreign diplomat marked for death after losing political asylum. With relentless enemies closing in, Black is thrust into a deadly web of intrigue, betrayal, and hidden truths.
As the stakes rise, Black and Imilce form an unlikely alliance, navigating a world where allies and adversaries are indistinguishable. Together, they must unearth buried secrets and outwit their relentless pursuers to survive.
Black Russian is a gripping tale of danger, deception, and redemption that will keep readers hooked until the final heart-stopping climax.
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